Lightning fast web server designed for security, streaming and static content
For commercial use, please contact the author

Latest version: 2025-02-16 (OpenSSL 3.4.1)

Browse all platforms Change log Help installing
Linux x64
Ubuntu / Debian CentOS, Suse, RedHat, Mageia
.deb .rpm
x64 WRT3200ACM WR1043ND-v4
Orange PI
macOS FreeBSD Tools
x64 x64 gfc, gns, gncom
x64 and x86 legacy XP, 2003

Default configuration:

Configuration path [ /etc/g_httpstorm | /path/to/httpstorm ]
Configuration file [ service name | g_httpstorm ] .ini
Root directory on UNIX root = /var/www
Root directory on Windows root = c:\inetpub\wwwroot
Listening port port = 80
Drop credentials to the selected user when accessing files under
the root directory. Only supported on Linux, when started as the
user root.
user = nobody
Allow conversion of markdown files to HTML e.g.
view_md = 1
TLS cert file tls_cer =
TLS key file tls_key =
TLS cert file 2 tls_cer =
TLS key file 2 tls_key =
Multiple key-cer pairs can be used to provide different certificate
types e.g. ECC and RSA for better compatibility with old clients.
Eliptic curve strength tls_min_bits_ec = [ 256 | 384 | 448 | 521 ]
Disable weak ciphers tls_no_weak_ciphers = 1
Ciphers know to be weak e.g. CBC can be disabled to achieve
higher security when compatibility with old clients is not needed.
Enable HSTS upgrade_hsts = 1
Upgrade to HTTPS upgrade_https = 1
Automatically upgrade to HTTPS if the client wants to.
The server sertificate name and expirity date are checked,
to make sure we can safely upgrade the connection to secure.
Default document index.htm, index.html
Directory browsing list_directories = 1 (enabled)
Minified document versions min_gz = 1 (enabled)
are served before the
original file, unless
they are older
file.[ br gz ]
file.[ gif jpg jpeg png ].webp
file.min.[ css htm html js ]
Virtual Directories vdir =
dir | path | [ user ]
Virtual Hosts host =
host | path | [ user ]
File extensions filter ext = [ allow | block ]
css htm html js
gif jpg jpeg png
Files without extension ext_no_ext = [ allow | block ]
Maximum connections 64 / unlimited (requires a license)
© 2015-2025 George Valkov
httpstorm web server