Lightning fast web server designed for security, streaming and static content
For commercial use, please contact the author


⚡ UNIX All platforms
The following commands apply to all UNIX platforms:
g_httpstorm -d?

:: daemon commands ::         :name:  specify daemon name
   s  start                   P  pause
   q  stop                    C  continue
   r  restart                 h  help  ?
   i  install                 e  enable
   u  uninstall               d  disable
   c  reload configuration    l  daemon-reload

   -di               install daemon with default name g_httpstorm
   -d:+.8080:i       install daemon g_httpstorm.8080
   -dir -uninstall   commands are executed in the order they appear
   -d:g_httpstorm:i  install daemon g_httpstorm
   -d:g_httpstorm    run as daemon g_httpstorm
   -d:g_httpstorm::  run in foreground using g_httpstorm.ini

   configuration .ini files for each daemon are stored in /etc/g_httpstorm/
   or the application directory, and can be reloaded [-reload] without restart

   (C) 2015-2021 Georgi Valkov
Installing a service automatically copies the executable to the install path:
[ /usr/local/bin | /usr/sbin]
sudo ./g_httpstorm -di
⚡ Linux Ubuntu / Debian
The binary is the same for all Linux distributions.
Various packages like .deb, and .rpm are provided for user convenience.
Installing from Debian package automatically creates and starts
the default daemon httpstorm:
dpkg -i httpstorm-1.0.deb

Additional daemons may be added with the -install command:
g_httpstorm -d:httpstorm.8080:i
g_httpstorm -d:httpstorm.8081 -install

Configuration path for daemons: /etc/g_httpstorm/
Stand alone applications use the application directory.
Configuration files use the daemon name, e.g.
g_httpstorm.ini, httpstorm.8080.ini, ...

⚡ Linux.rpm CentOS, Suse, Fedora, Red Hat, Mageia, etc.
The command for installing from .rpm depends on the distribution of Linux.
Some distributions do not fully support init.d services. If an error message is shown,
that the service cannot be enabled, the g_httpstorm service will not
start automatically after system restart. The g_httpstorm binary should still work.
CentOS, and Mageia are fully supported.
dpkg -i        httpstorm-1.0.deb		Ubuntu / Debian, Linux Mint
urpmi          httpstorm-1.0-0.x86_64.rpm	Mageia
yum    install httpstorm-1.0-0.x86_64.rpm	CentOS, Red Hat, Fedora
zypper install httpstorm-1.0-0.x86_64.rpm	Suse
Installing from OpenWRT package automatically creates and starts
the default daemon httpstorm:
opkg install httpstorm-1.0.ipk
Installing from BSD package automatically creates, but
does not enable or start the default daemon g_httpstorm:
pkg install httpstorm-1.0.txz
⚡ Apple macOS
Installing a service automatically copies the executable to
[ /usr/local/bin ]
tar xvf httpstorm-1.0.tgz
sudo ./g_httpstorm -di
⚡ Windows 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Install the default service: httpstorm, and start it:
g_httpstorm -di

Additional services may be added with the -install command:
g_httpstorm -d:name:i
g_httpstorm -d:name -install

Configuration files are inside the application directory and use the service name, e.g.
g_httpstorm.ini, httpstorm.8080.ini, ...
:: service commands ::        :name:  specify service name
   s  start                   P  pause
   q  stop                    C  continue
   r  restart
   i  install                 I  install interactive service
   u  uninstall               h  help  ?
   c  configuration reload

   -di               install service with default name gvalkov.httpstorm
   -d:+.8080:i       install service gvalkov.httpstorm.8080
   -dir -uninstall   commands are executed in the order they appear
   -d:gvalkov.httpstorm:i  install service gvalkov.httpstorm
   -d:gvalkov.httpstorm::  run in foreground using gvalkov.httpstorm.ini

   configuration .ini files for each service are stored in the
   application directory, and can be reloaded [-reload] without restart

   (C) 2015-2021  Georgi Valkov
© 2015-2025 George Valkov
httpstorm web server