make check-TESTS make[1]: Entering directory '/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils' PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: can't set breakpoints in tail SKIP: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: can't set breakpoints in tail SKIP: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/cp/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: tests/cp/ this script requires Perl's Expect package >=1.11 SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: inotify required SKIP: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: inotify is not supported SKIP: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: inotify support required SKIP: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/chmod/ FAIL: tests/chgrp/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient SKIP: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ fail-eperm.xpl: couldn't find a file not owned by you in any of the following directories: /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp, skipping this test SKIP: tests/rm/fail-eperm.xpl PASS: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD or gdb doesn't work? SKIP: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/rm/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/rm/ skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn't work? SKIP: tests/rm/ PASS: tests/chgrp/ skipped test: your system doesn't support changing the owner or group of a symbolic link. SKIP: tests/chgrp/ PASS: tests/chgrp/ FAIL: tests/chgrp/ FAIL: tests/chgrp/ PASS: tests/fmt/ PASS: tests/fmt/ PASS: tests/fmt/ PASS: tests/fmt/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: /dev/full is required SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: this test runs only on systems with glibc and long double != double SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: /proc/40132/status: missing or 'different' SKIP: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: required program(s) not built SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/pr/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: required program(s) not built SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: no /proc/cpuinfo SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support SKIP: tests/misc/ skipped test: /dev/full is required SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ FAIL: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: /dev/full is required SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: runcon setup failed SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/misc/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: The locale utility is not present SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/misc/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: requires a working valgrind SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support SKIP: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/split/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: no strace program SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: FULL_PARTITION_TMPDIR not defined SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: setsid required to control groups SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ skipped test: coreutils built without xattr support SKIP: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/misc/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chmod/ PASS: tests/chown/ PASS: tests/chown/ skipped test: group 'staff' not biunique: SKIP: tests/chown/ PASS: tests/cp/ skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl. SKIP: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ FAIL: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ skipped test: The fallocate utility is required SKIP: tests/cp/ skipped test: requires a working valgrind SKIP: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ skipped test: LD_PRELOAD was ineffective? SKIP: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ skipped test: your system lacks /proc/cpuinfo SKIP: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/df/ PASS: tests/df/ PASS: tests/df/ PASS: tests/df/ PASS: tests/df/ PASS: tests/df/ skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface SKIP: tests/df/ skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface SKIP: tests/df/ skipped test: no rootfs in mtab SKIP: tests/df/ PASS: tests/dd/ skipped test: 512 byte aligned O_DIRECT is not supported on this (file) system SKIP: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support SKIP: tests/dd/ skipping part; this file system lacks support for posix_fadvise() PASS: tests/dd/ skipped test: no strace program SKIP: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/dd/ PASS: tests/df/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ skipped test: file system or localtime mishandles big timestamps: -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Apr 11 2262 future SKIP: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient SKIP: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ skipped test: python inotify package not installed SKIP: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ skipped test: block size of a directory is smaller than 4 bytes SKIP: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ PASS: tests/du/ skipped test: not running on GNU/Hurd SKIP: tests/id/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: tests/id/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: tests/id/ PASS: tests/id/ PASS: tests/id/ skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support SKIP: tests/id/ PASS: tests/install/ PASS: tests/install/ PASS: tests/install/ PASS: tests/install/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: tests/install/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: tests/install/ PASS: tests/install/ PASS: tests/install/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ln/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn't work? SKIP: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ skipped test: no strace program SKIP: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system SKIP: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ skipped test: no strace program SKIP: tests/ls/ skipped test: no strace program SKIP: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/ls/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system SKIP: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: tests/mkdir/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ PASS: tests/mkdir/ skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support SKIP: tests/mkdir/ skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl. SKIP: tests/mv/ skipped test: no strace program SKIP: tests/mv/ skipped test: no strace program SKIP: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ skipped test: your kernel or file system cannot create a hard link to a symlink SKIP: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/mv/ PASS: tests/readlink/ PASS: tests/readlink/ PASS: tests/readlink/ PASS: tests/readlink/ PASS: tests/readlink/ PASS: tests/rmdir/ PASS: tests/rmdir/ PASS: tests/rmdir/ PASS: tests/rmdir/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/tail-2/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ PASS: tests/touch/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/chown/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/cp/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/cp/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/cp/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/cp/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/cp/ PASS: tests/cp/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/cp/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/dd/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/df/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/df/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/du/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/du/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/id/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/install/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/ls/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/ls/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/misc/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/misc/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/misc/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/misc/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/mkdir/ skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support SKIP: tests/mkdir/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/mv/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/mv/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/rm/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/rm/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/rm/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/rm/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/rm/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/tail-2/ skipped test: must be run as root SKIP: tests/touch/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ GEN tests/factor/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: tests/factor/ ========================================================= GNU coreutils 9.1.152-95f4e: ./tests/test-suite.log ========================================================= # TOTAL: 639 # PASS: 481 # SKIP: 153 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 5 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 .. contents:: :depth: 2 SKIP: tests/tail-2/inotify-race =============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail sleep + require_built_ tail sleep + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env sleep --version sleep (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Jim Meyering and Paul Eggert. + touch file + touch tail.out + case $(cat gdb.out) in ++ cat gdb.out + break_src=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/tail.c ++ grep -n '^tail_forever_inotify' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/tail.c + break_line='1475:tail_forever_inotify (int wd, struct File_spec *f, size_t n_files,' ++ echo '1475:tail_forever_inotify (int wd, struct File_spec *f, size_t n_files,' ++ cut -d: -f1 + break_line=1475 + sleep=30203 + gdb -nx --batch-silent '--eval-command=break 1475' '--eval-command=run --pid=30203 -f file' --eval-command=quit tail + env sleep 10 + kill 30203 + wait 30203 + compare /dev/null gdb.out + compare_dev_null_ /dev/null gdb.out + test 2 = 2 + test x/dev/null = x/dev/null + test -s gdb.out + emit_diff_u_header_ /dev/null gdb.out + printf '%s\n' 'diff -u /dev/null gdb.out' '--- /dev/null 1970-01-01' '+++ gdb.out 1970-01-01' diff -u /dev/null gdb.out --- /dev/null 1970-01-01 +++ gdb.out 1970-01-01 + sed 's/^/+/' gdb.out +Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 30206: (os/kern) failure (0x5). + (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8)) + return 1 + case $? in + return 1 + skip_ 'can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' + warn_ ' skipped test: can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' skipped test: can't set breakpoints in tail + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + kill + kill 30203 + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/inotify-race2 ================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail sleep + require_built_ tail sleep + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env sleep --version sleep (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Jim Meyering and Paul Eggert. + touch file + touch tail.out + case $(cat gdb.out) in ++ cat gdb.out + break_src=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/tail.c ++ grep -n '^tail_forever_inotify' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/tail.c + break_line='1475:tail_forever_inotify (int wd, struct File_spec *f, size_t n_files,' ++ echo '1475:tail_forever_inotify (int wd, struct File_spec *f, size_t n_files,' ++ cut -d: -f1 + break_line=1475 + sleep=30287 + gdb -nx --batch-silent '--eval-command=break 1475' '--eval-command=run --pid=30287 -f file' --eval-command=quit tail + env sleep 10 + kill 30287 + wait 30287 + compare /dev/null gdb.out + compare_dev_null_ /dev/null gdb.out + test 2 = 2 + test x/dev/null = x/dev/null + test -s gdb.out + emit_diff_u_header_ /dev/null gdb.out + printf '%s\n' 'diff -u /dev/null gdb.out' '--- /dev/null 1970-01-01' '+++ gdb.out 1970-01-01' diff -u /dev/null gdb.out --- /dev/null 1970-01-01 +++ gdb.out 1970-01-01 + sed 's/^/+/' gdb.out +Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 30290: (os/kern) failure (0x5). + (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8)) + return 1 + case $? in + return 1 + skip_ 'can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' + warn_ ' skipped test: can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' skipped test: can't set breakpoints in tail + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: can'\''t set breakpoints in tail' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + kill + kill 30287 + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/ext3-perf ======================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/link-heap ======================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/no-ctx ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + require_selinux_ + grep 'selinuxfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SELinux support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/tty-eof ======================== this script requires Perl's Expect package >=1.11 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/inotify-rotate ================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + grep '^#define HAVE_INOTIFY 1' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/lib/config.h + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/inotify-rotate-resources =========================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + require_local_dir_ + require_mount_list_ + local 'mount_list_fail=cannot read table of mounted file systems' + df --local + grep -F 'cannot read table of mounted file systems' + is_local_dir_ . + test 1 = 1 + df --local . + grep '^#define HAVE_INOTIFY 1' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/lib/config.h + skip_ 'inotify required' + warn_ ' skipped test: inotify required' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: inotify required' skipped test: inotify required + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: inotify required' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/inotify-dir-recreate ======================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + grep '^#define HAVE_INOTIFY 1' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/lib/config.h + skip_ 'inotify is not supported' + warn_ ' skipped test: inotify is not supported' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: inotify is not supported' skipped test: inotify is not supported + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: inotify is not supported' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/inotify-only-regular ======================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + grep '^#define HAVE_INOTIFY 1' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/lib/config.h + skip_ 'inotify support required' + warn_ ' skipped test: inotify support required' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: inotify support required' skipped test: inotify support required + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: inotify support required' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) FAIL: tests/chgrp/basic ======================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chgrp + require_built_ chgrp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chgrp --version chgrp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + require_membership_in_two_groups_ + test 0 = 0 + groups= + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '' + groups=20 + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z 20 + groups='20 ' + groups='20 101' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101' + groups='20 101 ' + groups='20 101 12' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12' + groups='20 101 12 ' + groups='20 101 12 61' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61' + groups='20 101 12 61 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399' + case "$groups" in + require_local_dir_ + require_mount_list_ + local 'mount_list_fail=cannot read table of mounted file systems' + df --local + grep -F 'cannot read table of mounted file systems' + is_local_dir_ . + test 1 = 1 + df --local . + set _ 20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399 + shift + g1=20 + g2=101 + mkdir d + touch f f2 d/f3 + chgrp 20 f + chgrp 101 f + chgrp 101 f2 + chgrp -R 20 d + d_files='d d/f3' + chgrp 20 f ++ stat --p=%g f + test 20 = 20 + chgrp 101 f ++ stat --p=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chgrp 101 f ++ stat --p=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chgrp '' f ++ stat --p=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chgrp 20 f ++ stat --p=%g f + test 20 = 20 + chgrp 20 f ++ stat --p=%g f + test 20 = 20 + chgrp --reference=f2 f ++ stat --p=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chgrp -R 101 d ++ stat --p=%g: d d/f3 + test 20:20: = 101:101: + fail=1 + chgrp -R 20 d ++ stat --p=%g: d d/f3 + test 20:20: = 20:20: + chgrp -R 101 d ++ stat --p=%g: d d/f3 + test 20:20: = 101:101: + fail=1 + chgrp -R 20 d ++ stat --p=%g: d d/f3 + test 20:20: = 20:20: + chgrp 101 d ++ stat --p=%g: d d/f3 + test 20:20: = 101:20: + fail=1 + rm -f f + touch f + ln -s f symlink + chgrp 20 f ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 20 + chgrp -h 101 symlink ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 20 ++ stat --printf=%g symlink + test 20 = 101 + echo 'info: failed to set group of symlink' info: failed to set group of symlink + chown --from=:20 :101 f ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chgrp 20 symlink ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 20 + chown --from=:20 :101 f ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chgrp -h 20 f symlink ++ stat --printf=%g symlink + test 20 = 20 + chgrp -R 101 symlink + chown --from=:20 :101 f ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chmod a-r f + chown --from=:101 :20 f ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 20 + chmod 0 f + chown --from=:20 :101 f ++ stat --printf=%g f + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + rm -f f g + touch f g + chgrp 20 f g + chgrp 101 g + sleep 1 + chgrp 20 f + chgrp '' f ++ ls -C -c -t f g + test 'f g' = 'f g' + Exit 1 + set +e + exit 1 + exit 1 + remove_tmp_ + __st=1 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 1 FAIL tests/chgrp/ (exit status: 1) SKIP: tests/rm/deep-2 ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + require_perl_ + : perl + perl -e 'use warnings' + skip_if_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 ++ stat -f -c %l . + name_max='?' + test '?' -ge 200 ./tests/rm/ line 31: test: ?: integer expression expected + skip_ 'NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' + warn_ ' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/fail-eperm ========================= fail-eperm.xpl: considering /tmp/. fail-eperm.xpl: considering /tmp/.. fail-eperm.xpl: considering /tmp/powerlog fail-eperm.xpl: considering /tmp/ fail-eperm.xpl: considering /tmp/ fail-eperm.xpl: considering /var/tmp/. fail-eperm.xpl: considering /var/tmp/.. fail-eperm.xpl: considering /var/tmp/kernel_panics fail-eperm.xpl: couldn't find a file not owned by you in any of the following directories: /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp, skipping this test SKIP tests/rm/fail-eperm.xpl (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/hash =================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/r-root ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + skip_if_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + unset CU_TEST_SKIP_EXIT + USE_GDB=1 + test 1 = 1 + case $(cat gdb.out) in ++ cat gdb.out + break_src=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/remove.c ++ grep -n '^excise' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/remove.c + break_line='377:excise (FTS *fts, FTSENT *ent, struct rm_options const *x, bool is_dir)' ++ echo '377:excise (FTS *fts, FTSENT *ent, struct rm_options const *x, bool is_dir)' ++ cut -d: -f1 + break_line=377 + break_line=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/remove.c:377 + cat + gcc_shared_ k.c + local in=k.c + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 k.c -o -ldl + cat + mkdir dir + rm -r dir + test -d dir + mkdir dir + skip= + for file in dir file + exercise_rm_r_root dir + rm -f x excise.break + test -f x + test -f excise.break + local skip_exit= + '[' '' = 1 ']' + test 1 = 1 + gdb -nx --batch-silent -return-child-result '--eval-command=set exec-wrapper env '\''LD_PRELOAD=:./'\'' ' '--eval-command=break '\''/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/remove.c:377'\''' '--eval-command=source' '--eval-command=run -rv --one-file-system dir' --eval-command=quit rm + ret=255 + clean_rm_err_ + sed 's/.*rm: /rm: /; s/\(rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on\).*$/\1 '\''\/'\''/' + return 255 + skip=1 + test -e dir + test -f x + skip=1 + test -f excise.break + skip=1 + compare /dev/null err + compare_dev_null_ /dev/null err + test 2 = 2 + test x/dev/null = x/dev/null + test -s err + emit_diff_u_header_ /dev/null err + printf '%s\n' 'diff -u /dev/null err' '--- /dev/null 1970-01-01' '+++ err 1970-01-01' diff -u /dev/null err --- /dev/null 1970-01-01 +++ err 1970-01-01 + sed 's/^/+/' err +Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 35162: (os/kern) failure (0x5). + (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8)) + return 1 + case $? in + return 1 + skip=1 + test 1 = 1 + cat out + cat err Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 35162: (os/kern) failure (0x5). (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8)) + skip_ 'internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD or gdb doesn'\''t work?' + warn_ ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD or gdb doesn'\''t work?' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD or gdb doesn'\''t work?' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD or gdb doesn't work? + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD or gdb doesn'\''t work?' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/many-dir-entries-vs-OOM ====================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm du chmod + require_built_ rm du chmod + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env chmod --version chmod (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/rm-readdir-fail ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + mkdir -p dir/notempty + cat + gcc_shared_ k.c + local in=k.c + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 k.c -o -ldl + export READDIR_PARTIAL + for READDIR_PARTIAL in ''\'''\''' ''\''1'\''' + rm -f preloaded + export LD_PRELOAD=:./ + LD_PRELOAD=:./ + returns_ 1 rm -Rf dir + fail=1 + test -f 32bit + test -f preloaded + cat errt + skip_ 'internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' + warn_ ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn't work? + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/chgrp/deref ======================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chgrp + require_built_ chgrp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chgrp --version chgrp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + require_membership_in_two_groups_ + test 0 = 0 + groups= + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '' + groups=20 + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z 20 + groups='20 ' + groups='20 101' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101' + groups='20 101 ' + groups='20 101 12' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12' + groups='20 101 12 ' + groups='20 101 12 61' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61' + groups='20 101 12 61 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399' + case "$groups" in + set _ 20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399 + shift + g1=20 + g2=101 + touch f + ln -s f symlink + chgrp -h 101 symlink ++ ls -ln symlink + set _ lrwxr-xr-x 1 501 20 1 Feb 20 16:22 symlink '->' f + g=20 + test 20 = 101 + skip_ 'your system doesn'\''t support changing the owner or group' 'of a symbolic link.' + warn_ ' skipped test: your system doesn'\''t support changing the owner or group' 'of a symbolic link.' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: your system doesn'\''t support changing the owner or group of a symbolic link.' skipped test: your system doesn't support changing the owner or group of a symbolic link. + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: your system doesn'\''t support changing the owner or group of a symbolic link.' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/chgrp/ (exit status: 77) FAIL: tests/chgrp/posix-H ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chgrp + require_built_ chgrp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chgrp --version chgrp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + require_membership_in_two_groups_ + test 0 = 0 + groups= + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '' + groups=20 + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z 20 + groups='20 ' + groups='20 101' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101' + groups='20 101 ' + groups='20 101 12' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12' + groups='20 101 12 ' + groups='20 101 12 61' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61' + groups='20 101 12 61 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399' + case "$groups" in + require_local_dir_ + require_mount_list_ + local 'mount_list_fail=cannot read table of mounted file systems' + df --local + grep -F 'cannot read table of mounted file systems' + is_local_dir_ . + test 1 = 1 + df --local . + set _ 20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399 + shift + g1=20 + g2=101 + mkdir 1 2 3 + touch 1/1F 2/2F 3/3F + ln -s 1 1s + ln -s ../3 2/2s + chgrp -R 20 1 2 3 + chgrp --preserve-root -H -R 101 1s 2 + changed=' 1 1/1F 2 2/2F 3 ' + for i in '$changed' + case $i in ++ ls -dgn 1 + set _ drwxr-xr-x 3 20 96 Feb 20 16:22 1 + shift + group=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + for i in '$changed' + case $i in ++ ls -dgn 1/1F + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 1/1F + shift + group=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + for i in '$changed' + case $i in ++ ls -dgn 2 + set _ drwxr-xr-x 4 20 128 Feb 20 16:22 2 + shift + group=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + for i in '$changed' + case $i in ++ ls -dgn 2/2F + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 2/2F + shift + group=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + for i in '$changed' + case $i in ++ ls -dgn 3 + set _ drwxr-xr-x 3 20 96 Feb 20 16:22 3 + shift + group=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + not_changed=' 1s 2/2s 3/3F ' + for i in '$not_changed' + case $i in + continue + for i in '$not_changed' + case $i in + continue + for i in '$not_changed' + case $i in ++ ls -dgn 3/3F + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 3/3F + shift + group=20 + test 20 = 20 + Exit 1 + set +e + exit 1 + exit 1 + remove_tmp_ + __st=1 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 1 FAIL tests/chgrp/ (exit status: 1) FAIL: tests/chgrp/recurse ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chgrp + require_built_ chgrp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chgrp --version chgrp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + require_membership_in_two_groups_ + test 0 = 0 + groups= + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '' + groups=20 + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z 20 + groups='20 ' + groups='20 101' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101' + groups='20 101 ' + groups='20 101 12' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12' + groups='20 101 12 ' + groups='20 101 12 61' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61' + groups='20 101 12 61 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399' + case "$groups" in + require_local_dir_ + require_mount_list_ + local 'mount_list_fail=cannot read table of mounted file systems' + df --local + grep -F 'cannot read table of mounted file systems' + is_local_dir_ . + test 1 = 1 + df --local . + set _ 20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399 + shift + g1=20 + g2=101 + mkdir d e + touch d/dd e/ee + ln -s ../e d/s + chgrp -R 20 e/ee + chgrp -R 101 d ++ ls -ln e/ee + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 501 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 e/ee + g=20 + test 20 = 20 + chgrp -L -R 101 d ++ ls -ln e/ee + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 501 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 e/ee + g=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + chgrp -H -R 20 d ++ ls -ln e/ee + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 501 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 e/ee + g=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 + ln -s d link + chgrp -H -R 20 link ++ ls -ln e/ee + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 501 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 e/ee + g=20 + test 20 = 101 + fail=1 ++ ls -ln d/dd + set _ -rw-r--r-- 1 501 20 0 Feb 20 16:22 d/dd + g=20 + test 20 = 20 + Exit 1 + set +e + exit 1 + exit 1 + remove_tmp_ + __st=1 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 1 FAIL tests/chgrp/ (exit status: 1) SKIP: tests/misc/seq-io-errors ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ seq + require_built_ seq + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env seq --version seq (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Ulrich Drepper. + test -w /dev/full + skip_ '/dev/full is required' + warn_ ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' skipped test: /dev/full is required + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/seq-long-double ================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ seq + require_built_ seq + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env seq --version seq (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Ulrich Drepper. + getlimits_ ++ getlimits + eval CHAR_MAX=127 CHAR_OFLOW=128 CHAR_MIN=-128 CHAR_UFLOW=-129 SCHAR_MAX=127 SCHAR_OFLOW=128 SCHAR_MIN=-128 SCHAR_UFLOW=-129 UCHAR_MAX=255 UCHAR_OFLOW=256 SHRT_MAX=32767 SHRT_OFLOW=32768 SHRT_MIN=-32768 SHRT_UFLOW=-32769 INT_MAX=2147483647 INT_OFLOW=2147483648 INT_MIN=-2147483648 INT_UFLOW=-2147483649 UINT_MAX=4294967295 UINT_OFLOW=4294967296 LONG_MAX=9223372036854775807 LONG_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 LONG_MIN=-9223372036854775808 LONG_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ULONG_MAX=18446744073709551615 ULONG_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 SIZE_MAX=18446744073709551615 SIZE_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 SSIZE_MAX=9223372036854775807 SSIZE_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 SSIZE_MIN=-9223372036854775808 SSIZE_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 TIME_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 TIME_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 TIME_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 TIME_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 UID_T_MAX=4294967295 UID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 GID_T_MAX=4294967295 GID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 PID_T_MAX=2147483647 PID_T_OFLOW=2147483648 PID_T_MIN=-2147483648 PID_T_UFLOW=-2147483649 OFF_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 OFF_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 OFF_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 OFF_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 INTMAX_MAX=9223372036854775807 INTMAX_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 INTMAX_MIN=-9223372036854775808 INTMAX_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 UINTMAX_MAX=18446744073709551615 UINTMAX_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 FLT_MIN=1.1754944e-38 FLT_MAX=3.4028235e+38 DBL_MIN=2.2250738585072014e-308 DBL_MAX=1.7976931348623157e+308 LDBL_MIN=3.3621031431120935063e-4932 LDBL_MAX=1.189731495357231765e+4932 ++ CHAR_MAX=127 ++ CHAR_OFLOW=128 ++ CHAR_MIN=-128 ++ CHAR_UFLOW=-129 ++ SCHAR_MAX=127 ++ SCHAR_OFLOW=128 ++ SCHAR_MIN=-128 ++ SCHAR_UFLOW=-129 ++ UCHAR_MAX=255 ++ UCHAR_OFLOW=256 ++ SHRT_MAX=32767 ++ SHRT_OFLOW=32768 ++ SHRT_MIN=-32768 ++ SHRT_UFLOW=-32769 ++ INT_MAX=2147483647 ++ INT_OFLOW=2147483648 ++ INT_MIN=-2147483648 ++ INT_UFLOW=-2147483649 ++ UINT_MAX=4294967295 ++ UINT_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ LONG_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ LONG_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ LONG_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ LONG_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ ULONG_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ ULONG_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ SIZE_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ SIZE_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ SSIZE_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ SSIZE_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ SSIZE_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ SSIZE_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ TIME_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ TIME_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ TIME_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ TIME_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ UID_T_MAX=4294967295 ++ UID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ GID_T_MAX=4294967295 ++ GID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ PID_T_MAX=2147483647 ++ PID_T_OFLOW=2147483648 ++ PID_T_MIN=-2147483648 ++ PID_T_UFLOW=-2147483649 ++ OFF_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ OFF_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ OFF_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ OFF_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ INTMAX_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ INTMAX_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ INTMAX_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ INTMAX_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ UINTMAX_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ UINTMAX_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ FLT_MIN=1.1754944e-38 ++ FLT_MAX=3.4028235e+38 ++ DBL_MIN=2.2250738585072014e-308 ++ DBL_MAX=1.7976931348623157e+308 ++ LDBL_MIN=3.3621031431120935063e-4932 ++ LDBL_MAX=1.189731495357231765e+4932 + test 2147483647 + cat + gcc -c long.c long.c:1:10: fatal error: 'features.h' file not found #include ^~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 error generated. + skip_ 'this test runs only on systems with glibc and long double != double' + warn_ ' skipped test: this test runs only on systems with glibc and long double != double' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this test runs only on systems with glibc and long double != double' skipped test: this test runs only on systems with glibc and long double != double + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this test runs only on systems with glibc and long double != double' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/tail-n0f =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:22 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + require_proc_pid_status_ + local pid=40132 + sleep .5 + sleep 2 + grep '^State:[ ]*[S]' /proc/40132/status + skip_ '/proc/40132/status: missing or '\''different'\''' + warn_ ' skipped test: /proc/40132/status: missing or '\''different'\''' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /proc/40132/status: missing or '\''different'\''' skipped test: /proc/40132/status: missing or 'different' + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /proc/40132/status: missing or '\''different'\''' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/arch ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ arch + require_built_ arch + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + echo 'arch: not built' arch: not built + skip_=yes + test yes = yes + skip_ 'required program(s) not built' + warn_ ' skipped test: required program(s) not built' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: required program(s) not built' skipped test: required program(s) not built + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: required program(s) not built' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/coreutils ========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ coreutils + require_built_ coreutils + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + echo 'coreutils: not built' coreutils: not built + skip_=yes + test yes = yes + skip_ 'required program(s) not built' + warn_ ' skipped test: required program(s) not built' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: required program(s) not built' skipped test: required program(s) not built + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: required program(s) not built' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/cut-huge-range =============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cut + require_built_ cut + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cut --version cut (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David M. Ihnat, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + getlimits_ ++ getlimits + eval CHAR_MAX=127 CHAR_OFLOW=128 CHAR_MIN=-128 CHAR_UFLOW=-129 SCHAR_MAX=127 SCHAR_OFLOW=128 SCHAR_MIN=-128 SCHAR_UFLOW=-129 UCHAR_MAX=255 UCHAR_OFLOW=256 SHRT_MAX=32767 SHRT_OFLOW=32768 SHRT_MIN=-32768 SHRT_UFLOW=-32769 INT_MAX=2147483647 INT_OFLOW=2147483648 INT_MIN=-2147483648 INT_UFLOW=-2147483649 UINT_MAX=4294967295 UINT_OFLOW=4294967296 LONG_MAX=9223372036854775807 LONG_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 LONG_MIN=-9223372036854775808 LONG_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ULONG_MAX=18446744073709551615 ULONG_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 SIZE_MAX=18446744073709551615 SIZE_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 SSIZE_MAX=9223372036854775807 SSIZE_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 SSIZE_MIN=-9223372036854775808 SSIZE_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 TIME_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 TIME_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 TIME_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 TIME_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 UID_T_MAX=4294967295 UID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 GID_T_MAX=4294967295 GID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 PID_T_MAX=2147483647 PID_T_OFLOW=2147483648 PID_T_MIN=-2147483648 PID_T_UFLOW=-2147483649 OFF_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 OFF_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 OFF_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 OFF_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 INTMAX_MAX=9223372036854775807 INTMAX_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 INTMAX_MIN=-9223372036854775808 INTMAX_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 UINTMAX_MAX=18446744073709551615 UINTMAX_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 FLT_MIN=1.1754944e-38 FLT_MAX=3.4028235e+38 DBL_MIN=2.2250738585072014e-308 DBL_MAX=1.7976931348623157e+308 LDBL_MIN=3.3621031431120935063e-4932 LDBL_MAX=1.189731495357231765e+4932 ++ CHAR_MAX=127 ++ CHAR_OFLOW=128 ++ CHAR_MIN=-128 ++ CHAR_UFLOW=-129 ++ SCHAR_MAX=127 ++ SCHAR_OFLOW=128 ++ SCHAR_MIN=-128 ++ SCHAR_UFLOW=-129 ++ UCHAR_MAX=255 ++ UCHAR_OFLOW=256 ++ SHRT_MAX=32767 ++ SHRT_OFLOW=32768 ++ SHRT_MIN=-32768 ++ SHRT_UFLOW=-32769 ++ INT_MAX=2147483647 ++ INT_OFLOW=2147483648 ++ INT_MIN=-2147483648 ++ INT_UFLOW=-2147483649 ++ UINT_MAX=4294967295 ++ UINT_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ LONG_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ LONG_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ LONG_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ LONG_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ ULONG_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ ULONG_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ SIZE_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ SIZE_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ SSIZE_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ SSIZE_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ SSIZE_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ SSIZE_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ TIME_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ TIME_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ TIME_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ TIME_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ UID_T_MAX=4294967295 ++ UID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ GID_T_MAX=4294967295 ++ GID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ PID_T_MAX=2147483647 ++ PID_T_OFLOW=2147483648 ++ PID_T_MIN=-2147483648 ++ PID_T_UFLOW=-2147483649 ++ OFF_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ OFF_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ OFF_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ OFF_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ INTMAX_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ INTMAX_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ INTMAX_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ INTMAX_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ UINTMAX_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ UINTMAX_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ FLT_MIN=1.1754944e-38 ++ FLT_MAX=3.4028235e+38 ++ DBL_MIN=2.2250738585072014e-308 ++ DBL_MAX=1.7976931348623157e+308 ++ LDBL_MIN=3.3621031431120935063e-4932 ++ LDBL_MAX=1.189731495357231765e+4932 + test 2147483647 ++ get_min_ulimit_v_ returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ local page_size +++ getconf PAGESIZE ++ page_size=4096 ++ page_size=4 +++ seq 5000 5000 50000 ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 5000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=5000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 10000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=10000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 15000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=15000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 20000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=20000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 25000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=25000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 30000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=30000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 35000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=35000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 40000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=40000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 45000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=45000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 50000 returns_ 0 cut -b1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=50000 ++ shift ++ echo 1 ++ return 1 + vm=1 + skip_ 'this shell lacks ulimit support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/cat-proc ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cat + require_built_ cat + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cat --version cat (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund and Richard M. Stallman. + f=/proc/cpuinfo + test -f /proc/cpuinfo + skip_ 'no /proc/cpuinfo' + warn_ ' skipped test: no /proc/cpuinfo' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no /proc/cpuinfo' skipped test: no /proc/cpuinfo + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no /proc/cpuinfo' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/csplit-heap ============================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ csplit + require_built_ csplit + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env csplit --version csplit (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Stuart Kemp and David MacKenzie. + echo y + echo n ++ get_min_ulimit_v_ csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ local page_size +++ getconf PAGESIZE ++ page_size=4096 ++ page_size=4 +++ seq 5000 5000 50000 ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 5000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=5000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 10000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=10000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 15000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=15000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 20000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=20000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 25000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=25000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 30000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=30000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 35000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=35000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 40000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=40000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 45000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=45000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 50000 csplit -z f %n%1 ++ local v ++ v=50000 ++ shift ++ echo 1 ++ return 1 + vm=1 + skip_ 'this shell lacks ulimit support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/csplit-io-err ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ csplit + require_built_ csplit + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env csplit --version csplit (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Stuart Kemp and David MacKenzie. + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + test -w /dev/full + skip_ '/dev/full is required' + warn_ ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' skipped test: /dev/full is required + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) FAIL: tests/misc/env-S ====================== "my" variable $cf masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./tests/misc/ line 38. "my" variable $cf masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./tests/misc/ line 40. env (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard Mlynarik, David MacKenzie, and Assaf Gordon. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... q1... test q1: stdout mismatch, comparing q1.1 (expected) and q1.O (actual) *** q1.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- q1.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q2... test q2: stdout mismatch, comparing q2.1 (expected) and q2.O (actual) *** q2.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- q2.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q3... test q3: stdout mismatch, comparing q3.1 (expected) and q3.O (actual) *** q3.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- q3.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q4... test q4: stdout mismatch, comparing q4.1 (expected) and q4.O (actual) *** q4.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- q4.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B " C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q5... test q5: stdout mismatch, comparing q5.1 (expected) and q5.O (actual) *** q5.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- q5.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B ' C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q6... test q6: stdout mismatch, comparing q6.1 (expected) and q6.O (actual) *** q6.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- q6.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B'C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q7... test q7: stdout mismatch, comparing q7.1 (expected) and q7.O (actual) *** q7.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- q7.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B"C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 t1... test t1: stdout mismatch, comparing t1.1 (expected) and t1.O (actual) *** t1.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- t1.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 t2... t3... t4... t5... m1... test m1: stdout mismatch, comparing m1.1 (expected) and m1.O (actual) *** m1.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- m1.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 m2... test m2: stdout mismatch, comparing m2.1 (expected) and m2.O (actual) *** m2.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- m2.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e1... test e1: stdout mismatch, comparing e1.1 (expected) and e1.O (actual) *** e1.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e1.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e2... test e2: stdout mismatch, comparing e2.1 (expected) and e2.O (actual) *** e2.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e2.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e3... test e3: stdout mismatch, comparing e3.1 (expected) and e3.O (actual) *** e3.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e3.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- C A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e4... test e4: stdout mismatch, comparing e4.1 (expected) and e4.O (actual) *** e4.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e4.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1,2 **** --- 1,3 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e5... test e5: stdout mismatch, comparing e5.1 (expected) and e5.O (actual) *** e5.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e5.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e6... test e6: stdout mismatch, comparing e6.1 (expected) and e6.O (actual) *** e6.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e6.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B$C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e7... test e7: stdout mismatch, comparing e7.1 (expected) and e7.O (actual) *** e7.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e7.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B$C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e8... test e8: stdout mismatch, comparing e8.1 (expected) and e8.O (actual) *** e8.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e8.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B#C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e9... test e9: stdout mismatch, comparing e9.1 (expected) and e9.O (actual) *** e9.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:44 2023 --- e9.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e10... test e10: stdout mismatch, comparing e10.1 (expected) and e10.O (actual) *** e10.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- e10.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e11... test e11: stdout mismatch, comparing e11.1 (expected) and e11.O (actual) *** e11.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- e11.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\tC + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e12... test e12: stdout mismatch, comparing e12.1 (expected) and e12.O (actual) *** e12.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- e12.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\#C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e13... test e13: stdout mismatch, comparing e13.1 (expected) and e13.O (actual) *** e13.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- e13.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\$C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e14... test e14: stdout mismatch, comparing e14.1 (expected) and e14.O (actual) *** e14.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- e14.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\"C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e20... test e20: stdout mismatch, comparing e20.1 (expected) and e20.O (actual) *** e20.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- e20.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C=D + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e21... test e21: stdout mismatch, comparing e21.1 (expected) and e21.O (actual) *** e21.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- e21.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 c1... c2... c3... u1... u2... u3... u4... v1... test v1: stdout mismatch, comparing v1.1 (expected) and v1.O (actual) *** v1.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v1.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v2... test v2: stdout mismatch, comparing v2.1 (expected) and v2.O (actual) *** v2.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v2.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xBARx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v3... test v3: stdout mismatch, comparing v3.1 (expected) and v3.O (actual) *** v3.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v3.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v4... test v4: stdout mismatch, comparing v4.1 (expected) and v4.O (actual) *** v4.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v4.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v5... test v5: stdout mismatch, comparing v5.1 (expected) and v5.O (actual) *** v5.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v5.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xBARx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v6... test v6: stdout mismatch, comparing v6.1 (expected) and v6.O (actual) *** v6.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v6.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- BAR=A + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v7... test v7: stdout mismatch, comparing v7.1 (expected) and v7.O (actual) *** v7.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v7.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=x${FOO}x + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v8... test v8: stdout mismatch, comparing v8.1 (expected) and v8.O (actual) *** v8.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v8.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v9... test v9: stdout mismatch, comparing v9.1 (expected) and v9.O (actual) *** v9.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v9.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v10... test v10: stdout mismatch, comparing v10.1 (expected) and v10.O (actual) *** v10.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- v10.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d1... test d1: stdout mismatch, comparing d1.1 (expected) and d1.O (actual) *** d1.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d1.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d2... test d2: stdout mismatch, comparing d2.1 (expected) and d2.O (actual) *** d2.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d2.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 0 **** --- 1 ---- + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d3... test d3: stdout mismatch, comparing d3.1 (expected) and d3.O (actual) *** d3.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d3.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B# + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d4... test d4: stdout mismatch, comparing d4.1 (expected) and d4.O (actual) *** d4.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d4.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d5... test d5: stdout mismatch, comparing d5.1 (expected) and d5.O (actual) *** d5.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d5.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d6... test d6: stdout mismatch, comparing d6.1 (expected) and d6.O (actual) *** d6.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d6.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 0 **** --- 1 ---- + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d7... test d7: stdout mismatch, comparing d7.1 (expected) and d7.O (actual) *** d7.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d7.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d8... test d8: stdout mismatch, comparing d8.1 (expected) and d8.O (actual) *** d8.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 --- d8.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:45 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d10... d11... d12... s1... s2... s3... s4... s5... s6... s7... s8... s9... s10... s11... s12... s13... s14... s15... s16... s17... eq1... eq2... eq3... eq4... eq5... eq6... eq10... eq11... eq12... eq13... eq14... eq15... p10... err1... err2... err3... err4... err5... err6... err7... err8... err9... err_sp2... err_sp3... err_sp5... err_sp6... 1-debug... 2-debug... 3-debug... 4-debug... 5-debug... q1-debug... test q1-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing q1-debug.1 (expected) and q1-debug.O (actual) *** q1-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- q1-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q2-debug... test q2-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing q2-debug.1 (expected) and q2-debug.O (actual) *** q2-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- q2-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q3-debug... test q3-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing q3-debug.1 (expected) and q3-debug.O (actual) *** q3-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- q3-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q4-debug... test q4-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing q4-debug.1 (expected) and q4-debug.O (actual) *** q4-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- q4-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B " C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q5-debug... test q5-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing q5-debug.1 (expected) and q5-debug.O (actual) *** q5-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- q5-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B ' C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q6-debug... test q6-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing q6-debug.1 (expected) and q6-debug.O (actual) *** q6-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- q6-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B'C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 q7-debug... test q7-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing q7-debug.1 (expected) and q7-debug.O (actual) *** q7-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- q7-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B"C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 t1-debug... test t1-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing t1-debug.1 (expected) and t1-debug.O (actual) *** t1-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- t1-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 t2-debug... t3-debug... t4-debug... t5-debug... m1-debug... test m1-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing m1-debug.1 (expected) and m1-debug.O (actual) *** m1-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- m1-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 m2-debug... test m2-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing m2-debug.1 (expected) and m2-debug.O (actual) *** m2-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- m2-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e1-debug... test e1-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e1-debug.1 (expected) and e1-debug.O (actual) *** e1-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e1-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e2-debug... test e2-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e2-debug.1 (expected) and e2-debug.O (actual) *** e2-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e2-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e3-debug... test e3-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e3-debug.1 (expected) and e3-debug.O (actual) *** e3-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e3-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- C A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e4-debug... test e4-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e4-debug.1 (expected) and e4-debug.O (actual) *** e4-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e4-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1,2 **** --- 1,3 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e5-debug... test e5-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e5-debug.1 (expected) and e5-debug.O (actual) *** e5-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e5-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e6-debug... test e6-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e6-debug.1 (expected) and e6-debug.O (actual) *** e6-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e6-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B$C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e7-debug... test e7-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e7-debug.1 (expected) and e7-debug.O (actual) *** e7-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e7-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B$C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e8-debug... test e8-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e8-debug.1 (expected) and e8-debug.O (actual) *** e8-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e8-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B#C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e9-debug... test e9-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e9-debug.1 (expected) and e9-debug.O (actual) *** e9-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e9-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e10-debug... test e10-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e10-debug.1 (expected) and e10-debug.O (actual) *** e10-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e10-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e11-debug... test e11-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e11-debug.1 (expected) and e11-debug.O (actual) *** e11-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e11-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\tC + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e12-debug... test e12-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e12-debug.1 (expected) and e12-debug.O (actual) *** e12-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e12-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\#C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e13-debug... test e13-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e13-debug.1 (expected) and e13-debug.O (actual) *** e13-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e13-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\$C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e14-debug... test e14-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e14-debug.1 (expected) and e14-debug.O (actual) *** e14-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e14-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B\"C + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e20-debug... test e20-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e20-debug.1 (expected) and e20-debug.O (actual) *** e20-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e20-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B C=D + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 e21-debug... test e21-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing e21-debug.1 (expected) and e21-debug.O (actual) *** e21-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- e21-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 c1-debug... c2-debug... c3-debug... u1-debug... u2-debug... u3-debug... u4-debug... v1-debug... test v1-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v1-debug.1 (expected) and v1-debug.O (actual) *** v1-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- v1-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v2-debug... test v2-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v2-debug.1 (expected) and v2-debug.O (actual) *** v2-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- v2-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xBARx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v3-debug... test v3-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v3-debug.1 (expected) and v3-debug.O (actual) *** v3-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:46 2023 --- v3-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v4-debug... test v4-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v4-debug.1 (expected) and v4-debug.O (actual) *** v4-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- v4-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v5-debug... test v5-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v5-debug.1 (expected) and v5-debug.O (actual) *** v5-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- v5-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=xBARx + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v6-debug... test v6-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v6-debug.1 (expected) and v6-debug.O (actual) *** v6-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- v6-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- BAR=A + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v7-debug... test v7-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v7-debug.1 (expected) and v7-debug.O (actual) *** v7-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- v7-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=x${FOO}x + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v8-debug... test v8-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v8-debug.1 (expected) and v8-debug.O (actual) *** v8-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- v8-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v9-debug... test v9-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v9-debug.1 (expected) and v9-debug.O (actual) *** v9-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- v9-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 v10-debug... test v10-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing v10-debug.1 (expected) and v10-debug.O (actual) *** v10-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- v10-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=BAR + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d1-debug... test d1-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d1-debug.1 (expected) and d1-debug.O (actual) *** d1-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d1-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d2-debug... test d2-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d2-debug.1 (expected) and d2-debug.O (actual) *** d2-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d2-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 0 **** --- 1 ---- + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d3-debug... test d3-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d3-debug.1 (expected) and d3-debug.O (actual) *** d3-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d3-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B# + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d4-debug... test d4-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d4-debug.1 (expected) and d4-debug.O (actual) *** d4-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d4-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d5-debug... test d5-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d5-debug.1 (expected) and d5-debug.O (actual) *** d5-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d5-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d6-debug... test d6-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d6-debug.1 (expected) and d6-debug.O (actual) *** d6-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d6-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 0 **** --- 1 ---- + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d7-debug... test d7-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d7-debug.1 (expected) and d7-debug.O (actual) *** d7-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d7-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d8-debug... test d8-debug: stdout mismatch, comparing d8-debug.1 (expected) and d8-debug.O (actual) *** d8-debug.1 Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 --- d8-debug.O Mon Feb 20 16:23:47 2023 *************** *** 1 **** --- 1,2 ---- A=B + __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x2 d10-debug... d11-debug... d12-debug... s1-debug... s2-debug... s3-debug... s4-debug... s5-debug... s6-debug... s7-debug... s8-debug... s9-debug... s10-debug... s11-debug... s12-debug... s13-debug... s14-debug... s15-debug... s16-debug... s17-debug... eq1-debug... eq2-debug... eq3-debug... eq4-debug... eq5-debug... eq6-debug... eq10-debug... eq11-debug... eq12-debug... eq13-debug... eq14-debug... eq15-debug... p10-debug... FAIL tests/misc/ (exit status: 1) SKIP: tests/misc/head-c ======================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ head + require_built_ head + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env head --version head (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + getlimits_ ++ getlimits + eval CHAR_MAX=127 CHAR_OFLOW=128 CHAR_MIN=-128 CHAR_UFLOW=-129 SCHAR_MAX=127 SCHAR_OFLOW=128 SCHAR_MIN=-128 SCHAR_UFLOW=-129 UCHAR_MAX=255 UCHAR_OFLOW=256 SHRT_MAX=32767 SHRT_OFLOW=32768 SHRT_MIN=-32768 SHRT_UFLOW=-32769 INT_MAX=2147483647 INT_OFLOW=2147483648 INT_MIN=-2147483648 INT_UFLOW=-2147483649 UINT_MAX=4294967295 UINT_OFLOW=4294967296 LONG_MAX=9223372036854775807 LONG_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 LONG_MIN=-9223372036854775808 LONG_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ULONG_MAX=18446744073709551615 ULONG_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 SIZE_MAX=18446744073709551615 SIZE_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 SSIZE_MAX=9223372036854775807 SSIZE_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 SSIZE_MIN=-9223372036854775808 SSIZE_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 TIME_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 TIME_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 TIME_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 TIME_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 UID_T_MAX=4294967295 UID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 GID_T_MAX=4294967295 GID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 PID_T_MAX=2147483647 PID_T_OFLOW=2147483648 PID_T_MIN=-2147483648 PID_T_UFLOW=-2147483649 OFF_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 OFF_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 OFF_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 OFF_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 INTMAX_MAX=9223372036854775807 INTMAX_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 INTMAX_MIN=-9223372036854775808 INTMAX_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 UINTMAX_MAX=18446744073709551615 UINTMAX_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 FLT_MIN=1.1754944e-38 FLT_MAX=3.4028235e+38 DBL_MIN=2.2250738585072014e-308 DBL_MAX=1.7976931348623157e+308 LDBL_MIN=3.3621031431120935063e-4932 LDBL_MAX=1.189731495357231765e+4932 ++ CHAR_MAX=127 ++ CHAR_OFLOW=128 ++ CHAR_MIN=-128 ++ CHAR_UFLOW=-129 ++ SCHAR_MAX=127 ++ SCHAR_OFLOW=128 ++ SCHAR_MIN=-128 ++ SCHAR_UFLOW=-129 ++ UCHAR_MAX=255 ++ UCHAR_OFLOW=256 ++ SHRT_MAX=32767 ++ SHRT_OFLOW=32768 ++ SHRT_MIN=-32768 ++ SHRT_UFLOW=-32769 ++ INT_MAX=2147483647 ++ INT_OFLOW=2147483648 ++ INT_MIN=-2147483648 ++ INT_UFLOW=-2147483649 ++ UINT_MAX=4294967295 ++ UINT_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ LONG_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ LONG_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ LONG_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ LONG_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ ULONG_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ ULONG_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ SIZE_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ SIZE_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ SSIZE_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ SSIZE_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ SSIZE_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ SSIZE_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ TIME_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ TIME_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ TIME_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ TIME_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ UID_T_MAX=4294967295 ++ UID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ GID_T_MAX=4294967295 ++ GID_T_OFLOW=4294967296 ++ PID_T_MAX=2147483647 ++ PID_T_OFLOW=2147483648 ++ PID_T_MIN=-2147483648 ++ PID_T_UFLOW=-2147483649 ++ OFF_T_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ OFF_T_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ OFF_T_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ OFF_T_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ INTMAX_MAX=9223372036854775807 ++ INTMAX_OFLOW=9223372036854775808 ++ INTMAX_MIN=-9223372036854775808 ++ INTMAX_UFLOW=-9223372036854775809 ++ UINTMAX_MAX=18446744073709551615 ++ UINTMAX_OFLOW=18446744073709551616 ++ FLT_MIN=1.1754944e-38 ++ FLT_MAX=3.4028235e+38 ++ DBL_MIN=2.2250738585072014e-308 ++ DBL_MAX=1.7976931348623157e+308 ++ LDBL_MIN=3.3621031431120935063e-4932 ++ LDBL_MAX=1.189731495357231765e+4932 + test 2147483647 ++ get_min_ulimit_v_ head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ local page_size +++ getconf PAGESIZE ++ page_size=4096 ++ page_size=4 +++ seq 5000 5000 50000 ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 5000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=5000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 10000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=10000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 15000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=15000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 20000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=20000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 25000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=25000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 30000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=30000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 35000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=35000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 40000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=40000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 45000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=45000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 50000 head -c1 /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=50000 ++ shift ++ echo 1 ++ return 1 + vm=1 + skip_ 'this shell lacks ulimit support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/head-write-error ================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:23 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ head + require_built_ head + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env head --version head (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + test -w /dev/full + skip_ '/dev/full is required' + warn_ ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' skipped test: /dev/full is required + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: /dev/full is required' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/printf-surprise ================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ printf + require_built_ printf + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env printf --version printf (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. ++ get_min_ulimit_v_ env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ local page_size +++ getconf PAGESIZE ++ page_size=4096 ++ page_size=4 +++ seq 5000 5000 50000 ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 5000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=5000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 10000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=10000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 15000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=15000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 20000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=20000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 25000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=25000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 30000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=30000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 35000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=35000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 40000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=40000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 45000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=45000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 50000 env printf %20f 0 ++ local v ++ v=50000 ++ shift ++ echo 1 ++ return 1 + vm=1 + skip_ 'this shell lacks ulimit support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/runcon-compute =============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ runcon + require_built_ runcon + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env runcon --version runcon (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Russell Coker. + printf '%s\n' '#!/bin/sh' 'exit 1' + chmod a+x true + runcon -c true runcon: runcon may be used only on a SELinux kernel + ret=125 + test 125 = 125 + skip_ 'runcon setup failed' + warn_ ' skipped test: runcon setup failed' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: runcon setup failed' skipped test: runcon setup failed + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: runcon setup failed' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/shuf-reservoir =============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ shuf + require_built_ shuf + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env shuf --version shuf (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Eggert. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/sort-benchmark-random ====================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ sort + require_built_ sort + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env sort --version sort (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert. + require_perl_ + : perl + perl -e 'use warnings' + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/sort-compress-hang =================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ sort + require_built_ sort + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env sort --version sort (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert. + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/sort-compress-proc =================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ sort + require_built_ sort + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env sort --version sort (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/sort-month =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ sort + require_built_ sort + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env sort --version sort (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert. + locale --version + skip_ 'The locale utility is not present' + warn_ ' skipped test: The locale utility is not present' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: The locale utility is not present' skipped test: The locale utility is not present + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: The locale utility is not present' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/sort-spinlock-abuse ==================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ sort + require_built_ sort + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env sort --version sort (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert. + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/sort-stale-thread-mem ====================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ sort + require_built_ sort + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env sort --version sort (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert. + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/sort-u-FMR =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ sort + require_built_ sort + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env sort --version sort (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert. + require_valgrind_ + valgrind --error-exitcode=1 true + skip_ 'requires a working valgrind' + warn_ ' skipped test: requires a working valgrind' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: requires a working valgrind' skipped test: requires a working valgrind + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: requires a working valgrind' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/split/line-bytes ============================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ split + require_built_ split + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env split --version split (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund and Richard M. Stallman. ++ get_min_ulimit_v_ split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ local page_size +++ getconf PAGESIZE ++ page_size=4096 ++ page_size=4 +++ seq 5000 5000 50000 ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 5000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=5000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 10000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=10000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 15000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=15000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 20000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=20000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 25000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=25000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 30000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=30000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 35000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=35000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 40000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=40000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 45000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=45000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 50000 split -C K /dev/null ++ local v ++ v=50000 ++ shift ++ echo 1 ++ return 1 + vm=1 + skip_ 'this shell lacks ulimit support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/split/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/stty ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ stty + require_built_ stty + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env stty --version stty (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_controlling_input_terminal_ + have_input_tty=yes + tty -s + test -t 0 + test yes = no + require_trap_signame_ + trap '' CHLD + require_strace_ ioctl + test 1 = 1 + strace -V + skip_ 'no strace program' + warn_ ' skipped test: no strace program' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' skipped test: no strace program + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/stty-pairs =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ stty + require_built_ stty + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env stty --version stty (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/tac-continue ============================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tac + require_built_ tac + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tac --version tac (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Jay Lepreau and David MacKenzie. + test x = x + skip_ 'FULL_PARTITION_TMPDIR not defined' + warn_ ' skipped test: FULL_PARTITION_TMPDIR not defined' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: FULL_PARTITION_TMPDIR not defined' skipped test: FULL_PARTITION_TMPDIR not defined + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: FULL_PARTITION_TMPDIR not defined' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/timeout-group ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:24 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ timeout + require_built_ timeout + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env timeout --version timeout (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Padraig Brady. + require_trap_signame_ + trap '' CHLD + require_kill_group_ + kill -0 -- -1 + setsid true ./tests/misc/ line 33: setsid: command not found + skip_ 'setsid required to control groups' + warn_ ' skipped test: setsid required to control groups' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: setsid required to control groups' skipped test: setsid required to control groups + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: setsid required to control groups' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/xattr ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp mv ginstall + require_built_ cp mv ginstall + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env ginstall --version install (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + touch src dest + cp --preserve=xattr -n src dest cp: cannot preserve extended attributes, cp is built without xattr support + skip_ 'coreutils built without xattr support' + warn_ ' skipped test: coreutils built without xattr support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: coreutils built without xattr support' skipped test: coreutils built without xattr support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: coreutils built without xattr support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/chown/separator =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chown + require_built_ chown + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chown --version chown (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. ++ id -u + id_u=501 + test -n 501 ++ id -un + id_un=g + test -n g ++ id -g + id_g=20 + test -n 20 ++ id -gn + id_gn=staff + test -n staff ++ getent group ./tests/chown/ line 36: getent: command not found ++ grep '^staff:' ++ wc -l + test 0 = 1 ++ getent group ./tests/chown/ line 37: getent: command not found ++ grep '^staff:' ++ tr '\n' , + skip_ 'group '\''staff'\'' not biunique: ' '' + warn_ ' skipped test: group '\''staff'\'' not biunique: ' '' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: group '\''staff'\'' not biunique: ' skipped test: group 'staff' not biunique: + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: group '\''staff'\'' not biunique: ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/chown/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/acl ================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_acl_ + getfacl --version + skip_ 'This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' + warn_ ' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl. + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) FAIL: tests/cp/existing-perm-race ================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_membership_in_two_groups_ + test 0 = 0 + groups= + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '' + groups=20 + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z 20 + groups='20 ' + groups='20 101' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101' + groups='20 101 ' + groups='20 101 12' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12' + groups='20 101 12 ' + groups='20 101 12 61' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61' + groups='20 101 12 61 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + for group_ in 1 '${COREUTILS_GROUPS-$( (id -G || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G) 2>/dev/null)}' + case $group_ in + test -z '20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 ' + groups='20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399' + case "$groups" in + require_local_dir_ + require_mount_list_ + local 'mount_list_fail=cannot read table of mounted file systems' + df --local + grep -F 'cannot read table of mounted file systems' + is_local_dir_ . + test 1 = 1 + df --local . + require_no_default_acl_ . + getfacl --version + ls -ld . + grep .........+ + set _ 20 101 12 61 79 80 81 98 701 33 100 204 250 395 398 399 + shift + g1=20 + g2=101 + umask 077 + mkfifo_or_skip_ fifo + test 1 = 1 + mkfifo fifo + touch fifo-copy + chgrp 20 fifo + chgrp 101 fifo-copy + chmod g+r fifo-copy + pid=87435 + cp -p --copy-contents fifo fifo-copy + test '!' -s fifo-copy + echo foo + test '!' -s fifo-copy + echo foo + test '!' -s fifo-copy + ls -l -n fifo-copy + echo foo + read mode links owner group etc + case $mode in + test 20 = 20 + fail=1 + wait 87435 + ls -l -n fifo-copy + read mode links owner group etc + case $mode in + test 20 = 20 + Exit 1 + set +e + exit 1 + exit 1 + remove_tmp_ + __st=1 + cleanup_ + kill 87435 + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 1 FAIL tests/cp/ (exit status: 1) SKIP: tests/cp/sparse-extents ============================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_sparse_support_ + test 0 = 0 + t=sparse.87550 + dd bs=1 seek=128K of=sparse.87550 ++ du -sk sparse.87550 + set x 0 sparse.87550 + kb_size=0 + rm -f sparse.87550 + test 0 -ge 128 + touch sparse_chk + seek_data_capable_ sparse_chk + python3 + PYTHON_=python3 + test xpython3 = x + timeout --version + TIMEOUT_='timeout 10' + timeout 10 python3 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/tests/seek-data-capable sparse_chk + fallocate --help ./tests/cp/ line 28: fallocate: command not found + skip_ 'The fallocate utility is required' + warn_ ' skipped test: The fallocate utility is required' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: The fallocate utility is required' skipped test: The fallocate utility is required + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: The fallocate utility is required' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/copy-FMR ======================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_valgrind_ + valgrind --error-exitcode=1 true + skip_ 'requires a working valgrind' + warn_ ' skipped test: requires a working valgrind' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: requires a working valgrind' skipped test: requires a working valgrind + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: requires a working valgrind' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/nfs-removal-race =============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + cat + gcc_shared_ k.c + local in=k.c + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 k.c -o -ldl + touch d2 + echo xyz + LD_PRELOAD=:./ + cp src d + test -f preloaded + skip_ 'LD_PRELOAD was ineffective?' + warn_ ' skipped test: LD_PRELOAD was ineffective?' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: LD_PRELOAD was ineffective?' skipped test: LD_PRELOAD was ineffective? + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: LD_PRELOAD was ineffective?' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/perm =================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp mv + require_built_ cp mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/proc-short-read ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:25 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + proc_large=/proc/cpuinfo + test -r /proc/cpuinfo + skip_ 'your system lacks /proc/cpuinfo' + warn_ ' skipped test: your system lacks /proc/cpuinfo' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: your system lacks /proc/cpuinfo' skipped test: your system lacks /proc/cpuinfo + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: your system lacks /proc/cpuinfo' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/df/no-mtab-status ============================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ df + require_built_ df + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env df --version df (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Paul Eggert. + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + timeout 10 df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/disk1s5s1 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% / /dev/disk1s4 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /System/Volumes/VM /dev/disk1s2 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /System/Volumes/Preboot /dev/disk1s6 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /System/Volumes/Update /dev/disk1s7 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /Volumes/games /dev/disk3s1 48623308 10444844 38178464 22% /Volumes/coreutils + grep '^#define HAVE_MNTENT_H 1' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/lib/config.h + skip_ 'no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' + warn_ ' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/df/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/df/skip-duplicates ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ df + require_built_ df + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env df --version df (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Paul Eggert. + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + df --local --output=target + grep '^/$' LOCAL_FS / ++ grep /. LOCAL_FS ++ head -n1 + export CU_NONROOT_FS=/System/Volumes/VM + CU_NONROOT_FS=/System/Volumes/VM ++ grep /. LOCAL_FS ++ tail -n+2 ++ head -n1 + export CU_REMOTE_FS=/System/Volumes/Preboot + CU_REMOTE_FS=/System/Volumes/Preboot + unique_entries=1 + test -z /System/Volumes/VM ++ expr 1 + 1 + unique_entries=2 + test -z /System/Volumes/Preboot ++ expr 2 + 2 + unique_entries=4 + grep '^#define HAVE_MNTENT_H 1' /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/lib/config.h + skip_ 'no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' + warn_ ' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no mntent.h available to confirm the interface' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/df/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/df/skip-rootfs ========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ df + require_built_ df + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env df --version df (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Paul Eggert. + timeout 10 df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/disk1s5s1 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% / /dev/disk1s4 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /System/Volumes/VM /dev/disk1s2 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /System/Volumes/Preboot /dev/disk1s6 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /System/Volumes/Update /dev/disk1s7 1220703208 1176149040 44554168 97% /Volumes/games /dev/disk3s1 48623308 10444868 38178440 22% /Volumes/coreutils + df -a + grep '^rootfs' out + skip_ 'no rootfs in mtab' + warn_ ' skipped test: no rootfs in mtab' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no rootfs in mtab' skipped test: no rootfs in mtab + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no rootfs in mtab' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/df/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/dd/direct ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ dd + require_built_ dd + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env dd --version dd (coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, and Stuart Kemp. + truncate -s 8192 in + dd if=in oflag=direct of=out + skip_ '512 byte aligned O_DIRECT is not supported on this (file) system' + warn_ ' skipped test: 512 byte aligned O_DIRECT is not supported on this (file) system' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: 512 byte aligned O_DIRECT is not supported on this (file) system' skipped test: 512 byte aligned O_DIRECT is not supported on this (file) system + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: 512 byte aligned O_DIRECT is not supported on this (file) system' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/dd/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/dd/no-allocate ========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ dd + require_built_ dd + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env dd --version dd (coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, and Stuart Kemp. + echo . ++ get_min_ulimit_v_ timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ local page_size +++ getconf PAGESIZE ++ page_size=4096 ++ page_size=4 +++ seq 5000 5000 50000 ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 5000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=5000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 10000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=10000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 15000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=15000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 20000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=20000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 25000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=25000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 30000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=30000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 35000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=35000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 40000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=40000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 45000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=45000 ++ shift ++ for v in '$( seq 5000 5000 50000 )' ++ ulimit_supported_ 50000 timeout 10 dd if=f of=f2 status=none ++ local v ++ v=50000 ++ shift ++ echo 1 ++ return 1 + vm=1 + skip_ 'this shell lacks ulimit support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this shell lacks ulimit support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/dd/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/dd/nocache_eof ========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ dd + require_built_ dd + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env dd --version dd (coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, and Stuart Kemp. + require_strace_ fadvise64,fadvise64_64 + test 1 = 1 + strace -V + skip_ 'no strace program' + warn_ ' skipped test: no strace program' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' skipped test: no strace program + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/dd/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/2g ================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/bigtime ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + export LC_ALL=C + LC_ALL=C + export TZ=UTC0 + TZ=UTC0 + bignum=9223372036854775807 + touch -d @9223372036854775807 future ++ ls -l future + future_time='-rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Apr 11 2262 future' + case "$future_time" in + skip_ 'file system or localtime mishandles big timestamps:' '-rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Apr 11 2262 future' + warn_ ' skipped test: file system or localtime mishandles big timestamps:' '-rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Apr 11 2262 future' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: file system or localtime mishandles big timestamps: -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Apr 11 2262 future' skipped test: file system or localtime mishandles big timestamps: -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Apr 11 2262 future + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: file system or localtime mishandles big timestamps: -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Apr 11 2262 future' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/fd-leak ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/long-from-unreadable =================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + require_perl_ + : perl + perl -e 'use warnings' ++ stat -f -c %l . + name_max='?' + test '?' -ge 200 ./tests/du/ line 39: test: ?: integer expression expected + skip_ 'NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' + warn_ ' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: NAME_MAX=? is not sufficient' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/move-dir-while-traversing ======================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + require_trap_signame_ + trap '' CHLD + python -m pyinotify -h ./tests/du/ line 24: python: command not found + skip_ 'python inotify package not installed' + warn_ ' skipped test: python inotify package not installed' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: python inotify package not installed' skipped test: python inotify package not installed + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: python inotify package not installed' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/threshold ======================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + mkdir -p a/b a/c + touch a/b/0 + printf %1s x + printf %2s x + printf %3s x ++ stat '--format=%B * %b' a ++ xargs expr + Ba=0 ++ stat '--format=%B * %b' a/b ++ xargs expr + Bb=0 ++ stat '--format=%B * %b' a/c ++ xargs expr + Bc=0 ++ stat '--format=%B * %b' a/b/0 ++ xargs expr + B0=0 ++ stat '--format=%B * %b' a/b/1 ++ xargs expr + B1=4096 ++ stat '--format=%B * %b' a/b/2 ++ xargs expr + B2=4096 ++ stat '--format=%B * %b' a/b/3 ++ xargs expr + B3=4096 ++ stat --format=%s a + Sa=128 ++ stat --format=%s a/b + Sb=192 ++ stat --format=%s a/c + Sc=64 ++ stat --format=%s a/b/0 + S0=0 ++ stat --format=%s a/b/1 + S1=1 ++ stat --format=%s a/b/2 + S2=2 ++ stat --format=%s a/b/3 + S3=3 ++ expr 0 + 0 + 4096 + 4096 + 4096 + Bb0123=12288 ++ expr 192 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + Sb0123=198 ++ expr 0 + 0 + 12288 + Bab0123=12288 ++ expr 128 + 64 + 198 + Sab0123=390 + test 0 -gt 4 + skip_ 'block size of a directory is smaller than 4 bytes' + warn_ ' skipped test: block size of a directory is smaller than 4 bytes' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: block size of a directory is smaller than 4 bytes' skipped test: block size of a directory is smaller than 4 bytes + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: block size of a directory is smaller than 4 bytes' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/id/gnu-zero-uids ============================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ id + require_built_ id + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env id --version id (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Arnold Robbins and David MacKenzie. + require_gnu_ ++ uname + test Darwin = GNU + skip_ 'not running on GNU/Hurd' + warn_ ' skipped test: not running on GNU/Hurd' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: not running on GNU/Hurd' skipped test: not running on GNU/Hurd + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: not running on GNU/Hurd' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/id/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/id/no-context ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ id + require_built_ id + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env id --version id (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Arnold Robbins and David MacKenzie. + require_selinux_ + grep 'selinuxfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SELinux support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/id/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/id/context ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ id + require_built_ id + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env id --version id (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Arnold Robbins and David MacKenzie. + require_selinux_ + grep 'selinuxfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SELinux support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/id/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/id/smack ==================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ id + require_built_ id + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env id --version id (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Arnold Robbins and David MacKenzie. + require_smack_ + grep 'smackfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SMACK support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/id/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/install/install-C-selinux ===================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ginstall + require_built_ ginstall + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ginstall --version install (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_selinux_ + grep 'selinuxfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SELinux support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/install/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/install/install-Z-selinux ===================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ginstall + require_built_ ginstall + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ginstall --version install (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_selinux_ + grep 'selinuxfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SELinux support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/install/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/ls/getxattr-speedup =============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ls + require_built_ ls + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + require_gcc_shared_ + gcc_shared_libs_=-ldl + gcc_shared_ - -xc + local in=- + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 -xc - -o -ldl + : + rm -f + cat + gcc_shared_ k.c + local in=k.c + local + shift 2 + gcc -Wall -shared --std=gnu99 -fPIC -O2 k.c -o -ldl + seq 20 + xargs touch + LD_PRELOAD=:./ + ls --color=always -l . total 20 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 1 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 10 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 11 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 13 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 14 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 15 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 17 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 18 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 19 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 2 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 20 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 3 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 6 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 7 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 0 Feb 20 16:26 9 -rw-r--r-- 1 g staff 528 Feb 20 16:26 k.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 g staff 33288 Feb 20 16:26 + test -f x + skip_ 'internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' + warn_ ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn't work? + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: internal test failure: maybe LD_PRELOAD doesn'\''t work?' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/ls/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/ls/no-cap ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ls + require_built_ ls + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + require_strace_ capget + test 1 = 1 + strace -V + skip_ 'no strace program' + warn_ ' skipped test: no strace program' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' skipped test: no strace program + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/ls/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/ls/slink-acl ======================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ls + require_built_ ls + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + require_setfacl_ + local d=acltestdir_ + mkdir acltestdir_ + local f=0 + setfacl -d -m user::r-x acltestdir_ ./init.cfg: line 285: setfacl: command not found + f=1 + rm -rf acltestdir_ + test 1 = 0 + skip_ 'setfacl does not work on the current file system' + warn_ ' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/ls/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/ls/stat-free-color ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ls + require_built_ ls + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + require_strace_ stat + test 1 = 1 + strace -V + skip_ 'no strace program' + warn_ ' skipped test: no strace program' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' skipped test: no strace program + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/ls/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks ================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ls + require_built_ ls + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + require_strace_ stat + test 1 = 1 + strace -V + skip_ 'no strace program' + warn_ ' skipped test: no strace program' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' skipped test: no strace program + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/ls/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mkdir/p-acl ======================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mkdir + require_built_ mkdir + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mkdir --version mkdir (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_setfacl_ + local d=acltestdir_ + mkdir acltestdir_ + local f=0 + setfacl -d -m user::r-x acltestdir_ ./init.cfg: line 285: setfacl: command not found + f=1 + rm -rf acltestdir_ + test 1 = 0 + skip_ 'setfacl does not work on the current file system' + warn_ ' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: setfacl does not work on the current file system' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mkdir/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mkdir/selinux ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mkdir mkfifo mknod + require_built_ mkdir mkfifo mknod + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mkdir --version mkdir (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mkfifo --version mkfifo (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mknod --version mknod (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_selinux_enforcing_ + require_selinux_ + grep 'selinuxfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SELinux support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mkdir/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mkdir/restorecon ============================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mkdir mknod mkfifo + require_built_ mkdir mknod mkfifo + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mkdir --version mkdir (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mknod --version mknod (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mkfifo --version mkfifo (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_selinux_ + grep 'selinuxfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SELinux support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mkdir/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mkdir/smack-no-root =============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mkdir mkfifo mknod + require_built_ mkdir mkfifo mknod + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mkdir --version mkdir (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mkfifo --version mkfifo (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mknod --version mknod (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_smack_ + grep 'smackfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SMACK support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mkdir/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mv/acl ================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mv + require_built_ mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_acl_ + getfacl --version + skip_ 'This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' + warn_ ' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl. + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: This test requires getfacl and setfacl.' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mv/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mv/atomic ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mv + require_built_ mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_strace_ unlink + test 1 = 1 + strace -V + skip_ 'no strace program' + warn_ ' skipped test: no strace program' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' skipped test: no strace program + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mv/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mv/atomic2 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mv + require_built_ mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_strace_ unlink + test 1 = 1 + strace -V + skip_ 'no strace program' + warn_ ' skipped test: no strace program' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' skipped test: no strace program + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: no strace program' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mv/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mv/leak-fd ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mv + require_built_ mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + skip_if_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + . /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/tests/other-fs-tmpdir ++ test '' = set ++ CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS='/var/folders/fg/sfksfsqx6l7fqq1077ppk1f00000gn/T/ /tmp /dev/shm /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/g' ++ other_partition_tmpdir= +++ stat -c %d . ++ dot_mount_point=16777233 ++ for d in '$CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS' ++ test -d /var/folders/fg/sfksfsqx6l7fqq1077ppk1f00000gn/T/ +++ stat -L -c %d /var/folders/fg/sfksfsqx6l7fqq1077ppk1f00000gn/T/ ++ d_mount_point=16777221 ++ test x16777221 = x16777233 ++ mkdir /var/folders/fg/sfksfsqx6l7fqq1077ppk1f00000gn/T//tmp7205 ++ other_partition_tmpdir=/var/folders/fg/sfksfsqx6l7fqq1077ppk1f00000gn/T//tmp7205 ++ break ++ test -z /var/folders/fg/sfksfsqx6l7fqq1077ppk1f00000gn/T//tmp7205 ++ test yes = yes ++ set -x + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + rm -rf /var/folders/fg/sfksfsqx6l7fqq1077ppk1f00000gn/T//tmp7205 + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mv/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mv/symlink-onto-hardlink-to-self ============================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mv + require_built_ mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + touch f + ln -s f s2 + ln s2 s1 + test -h s1 + skip_ your kernel or file system cannot create a hard link to a symlink + warn_ ' skipped test: your' kernel or file system cannot create a hard link to a symlink + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: your kernel or file system cannot create a hard link to a symlink' skipped test: your kernel or file system cannot create a hard link to a symlink + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: your kernel or file system cannot create a hard link to a symlink' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mv/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/big-4gb ========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:26 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: expensive: disabled by default This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/chown/basic ======================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chown + require_built_ chown + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chown --version chown (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/chown/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/cp-a-selinux =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/preserve-gid =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_perl_ + : perl + perl -e 'use warnings' + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/special-bits =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/cp-mv-enotsup-xattr ================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp mv + require_built_ cp mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/capability ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/cp/cross-dev-symlink ================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ cp + require_built_ cp + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/cp/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/dd/skip-seek-past-dev ================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ dd + require_built_ dd + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env dd --version dd (coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, and Stuart Kemp. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/dd/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/df/problematic-chars ================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ df printf + require_built_ df printf + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env df --version df (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Paul Eggert. + for i in '$*' + env printf --version printf (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/df/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/df/over-mount-device ================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ df + require_built_ df + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env df --version df (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Paul Eggert. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/df/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/bind-mount-dir-cycle =================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/du/bind-mount-dir-cycle-v2 ====================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ du + require_built_ du + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env du --version du (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/du/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/id/setgid ===================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ id + require_built_ id + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env id --version id (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Arnold Robbins and David MacKenzie. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/id/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/install/install-C-root ================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ginstall + require_built_ ginstall + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ginstall --version install (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/install/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/ls/capability ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ls printf + require_built_ ls printf + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env printf --version printf (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/ls/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/ls/nameless-uid =========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ ls + require_built_ ls + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/ls/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/chcon ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chcon + require_built_ chcon + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chcon --version chcon (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Russell Coker and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/chroot-credentials =================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chroot + require_built_ chroot + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chroot --version chroot (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Roland McGrath. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/selinux ======================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ chcon cp ls mv stat + require_built_ chcon cp ls mv stat + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env chcon --version chcon (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Russell Coker and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env cp --version cp (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + for i in '$*' + env stat --version stat (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Michael Meskes. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/misc/truncate-owned-by-other ======================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ truncate + require_built_ truncate + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env truncate --version truncate (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Padraig Brady. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/misc/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mkdir/writable-under-readonly ========================================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mkdir + require_built_ mkdir + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mkdir --version mkdir (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mkdir/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mkdir/smack-root ============================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mkdir mkfifo mknod + require_built_ mkdir mkfifo mknod + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mkdir --version mkdir (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mkfifo --version mkfifo (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + for i in '$*' + env mknod --version mknod (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David MacKenzie. + require_smack_ + grep 'smackfs$' /proc/filesystems grep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory + skip_ 'this system lacks SMACK support' + warn_ ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: this system lacks SMACK support' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mkdir/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mv/hardlink-case ============================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mv + require_built_ mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mv/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/mv/sticky-to-xpart ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ mv + require_built_ mv + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env mv --version mv (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Parker, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/mv/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/fail-2eperm ========================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/no-give-up ========================= ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/one-file-system ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/read-only ======================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/rm/empty-immutable-skip =================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ rm + require_built_ rm + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env rm --version rm (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Richard M. Stallman, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/rm/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/append-only ============================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/tail-2/end-of-device ================================ ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ tail + require_built_ tail + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env tail --version tail (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, David MacKenzie, Ian Lance Taylor, and Jim Meyering. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/tail-2/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/touch/now-owned-by-other ==================================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + print_ver_ touch + require_built_ touch + skip_=no + for i in '"$@"' + case " $built_programs " in + test no = yes + test yes = yes + local i + for i in '$*' + env touch --version touch (GNU coreutils) 9.1.152-95f4e Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Paul Rubin, Arnold Robbins, Jim Kingdon, David MacKenzie, and Randy Smith. + require_root_ + uid_is_privileged_ ++ id -u + my_uid=501 + case $my_uid in + return 1 + skip_ 'must be run as root' + warn_ ' skipped test: must be run as root' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' skipped test: must be run as root + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: must be run as root' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/touch/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t00 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t01 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t02 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t03 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t04 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t05 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t06 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t07 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t08 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t09 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t10 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t11 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t12 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t13 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t14 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t15 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t16 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t17 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t18 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t19 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t20 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t21 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t22 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t23 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t24 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t25 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t26 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t27 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t28 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t29 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t30 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t31 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t32 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t33 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t34 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t35 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) SKIP: tests/factor/t36 ====================== ++ initial_cwd_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ testdir_prefix_ +++ printf gt ++ pfx_=gt +++ mktempd_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ case $# in +++ destdir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils +++ +++ MAX_TRIES_=4 +++ case $destdir_ in +++ destdir_slash_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $template_ in ++++ unset TMPDIR +++ d=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ case $d in +++ : +++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++++ ls -dgo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ perms='drwx------ 2 64 Feb 20 16:27 /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/' +++ case $perms in +++ : +++ echo /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ +++ return ++ test_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ ++ case $srcdir in ++ srcdir=../. ++ builddir=.. ++ export srcdir builddir ++ gl_init_sh_nl_=' ' ++ IFS=' ' ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 1 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 129'\'' 1' +++ trap 'Exit 129' 1 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 2 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 130'\'' 2' +++ trap 'Exit 130' 2 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 3 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 131'\'' 3' +++ trap 'Exit 131' 3 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 13 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 141'\'' 13' +++ trap 'Exit 141' 13 ++ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15 +++ expr 15 + 128 ++ eval 'trap '\''Exit 143'\'' 15' +++ trap 'Exit 143' 15 ++ saved_IFS=' ' ++ IFS=: ++ new_PATH= ++ sep_= ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /sbin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Applications/ ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /usr/local/share/dotnet/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Apple/usr/bin/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ for dir in '$PATH' ++ case "$dir" in ++ test -d /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/. ++ new_PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ sep_=: ++ IFS=' ' ++ PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ++ export PATH ++ trap remove_tmp_ EXIT + path_prepend_ ./src + test 1 '!=' 0 + path_dir_=./src + case $path_dir_ in + abs_path_dir_=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $abs_path_dir_ in + PATH=/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src:/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ + create_exe_shims_ /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/./src + case $EXEEXT in + return 0 + shift + test 0 '!=' 0 + export PATH + very_expensive_ + test '' '!=' yes + skip_ 'very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + warn_ ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + case $IFS in + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive + test 9 = 2 + printf '%s\n' ' skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default This test is very expensive, so it is disabled by default. To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS environment variable set to yes. E.g., env RUN_VERY_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check or use the shortcut target of the toplevel Makefile, make check-very-expensive ' + sed 1q + Exit 77 + set +e + exit 77 + exit 77 + remove_tmp_ + __st=77 + cleanup_ + : + test '' = yes + cd /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils + chmod -R u+rwx /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + rm -rf /Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils/ + exit 77 SKIP tests/factor/ (exit status: 77) ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for GNU coreutils 9.1.152-95f4e ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 639 # PASS: 481 # SKIP: 153 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 5 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ See ./tests/test-suite.log Please report to ============================================================================ make[1]: *** [Makefile:21272: tests/test-suite.log] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/Volumes/coreutils/test/coreutils' make: *** [Makefile:21380: check-TESTS] Error 2