brew list ==> Formulae aom glib libidn2 m4 python@3.8 apr glow libimagequant mad python@3.9 apr-util gmp libimobiledevice make qhull aribb24 gnu-getopt libimobiledevice-glue mbedtls quilt arping gnu-sed libksba mercurial rav1e asciidoc gnu-tar liblinear minizip readline autoconf gnu-which liblqr molten-vk rtmpdump automake gnupg libmetalink mosquitto rubberband bash gnutls libmicrohttpd mpdecimal ruby bdw-gc gpatch libmpc mpfr rustup-init berkeley-db gperf libnet mpg123 screen berkeley-db@5 gping libnghttp2 mpv sdl2 binutils gputils libogg mtr shaderc binwalk graphite2 libomp mujs shared-mime-info bison grep libplacebo nano six boost guile libplist ncurses snappy brotli gzip libpng netcat source-highlight byacc harfbuzz libraqm nettle sox bzip2 hashcat libraw nghttp2 speex c-ares highway librist nmap sqlite ca-certificates htop libsamplerate npth srt cairo icu4c libsndfile numpy ssdeep certifi imagemagick libsodium openblas stlink cjson imath libsoxr opencore-amr subversion cmake intltool libssh openexr svt-av1 coreutils isl libssh2 openjpeg tcl-tk curl jansson libtasn1 openldap tesseract dash jasper libtiff openssh texinfo dav1d jbig2dec libtool openssl@1.1 theora dfu-util jemalloc libunibreak openssl@3 tree diffutils john-jumbo libunistring opus uchardet docbook jpeg-turbo libusb opusfile unbound duti jpeg-xl libusbmuxd p11-kit unzip e2fsprogs lame libuv p7zip utf8proc fastjar ldns libvidstab pandoc vapoursynth ffmpeg leptonica libvmaf pango vulkan-headers findutils less libvorbis patchutils vulkan-loader flac libarchive libvpx pcre watch flex libass libwebsockets pcre2 webp fontconfig libassuan libx11 perl wget freetype libb2 libxau pillow x264 frei0r libbluray libxcb pinentry x265 fribidi libcbor libxdmcp pixman xorgproto gawk libde265 libxext pkg-config xvid gcc libev libxml2 pstree xxhash gdb libevent libxrender python-certifi xz gdbm libffi libxslt python-markupsafe youtube-dl gettext libfido2 libyaml python-packaging yt-dlp ghostscript libgcrypt little-cms2 python-psutil zeromq giflib libgit2 lua python-pyparsing zimg git libgpg-error luajit python@3.10 zlib git-extras libheif lz4 python@3.11 zstd gitleaks libidn lzo python@3.12 ==> Casks gcc-arm-embedded which -a gettext /usr/local/bin/gettext gettext --version gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.22.5 Copyright (C) 1995-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Ulrich Drepper.