This repository contains OpenWRT images prebuilt with the httpstorm web server. Some nice to have packages are also included. If you are interested in httpstorm, please contact me: gvalkov (@) Supported platforms for the web server and my other tools: Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, macOS, iOS, others (ask me) Intel, ARM, MIPS Packages from Georgi Valkov: * httpstorm the fastest web server on Earth for static content and streaming USB storage is mounted under /mnt/sd??/ and shared on port 83 (HTTP/HTTPS) http://router-ip:83/ configuration path: /etc/g_httpstorm * g-net-com COM to TCP bridge share a COM port over the network or Internet WebSocket support for integration with web browsers * g-net-speed network speed test utility assess the network speed and reliability two devices are required to test the link speed multi-session transfers UDP flood mode HTTP server benchmark Download gns for Windows, Linux, and WRT3200ACM: * gfc file compare, disk copy and hash utility clone or backup disk, partition, volume and files verify checksum of files high performance offline and online copies Global packages: * arp-scan * arptables * busybox with history saving and unicode support * ebtables * ethtool * ettercap * File systems: exfat ext4 msdos ntfs vfat * iptables-mod-chaos delude ipopt iprange tarpit tee * htop * iftop * iputils-arping * iwinfo * kmod-nls-cp1251 cp437 cp866 iso8859-1 13 15 2 utf8 * luci-ssl * mjpg-streamer * mtr * nano * netcat * nmap * openvpn-mbedtls + openvpn-easy-rsa * openssh-sftp-server * procps-ng: ps snice vmstat w * tcpdump * USB storage with automount under /mnt/sd??/ and shared on port 83 (HTTP) * Wake on LAN Disclaimer: The OpenWRT images provided here are region free. Please be sure to configure the Wi-Fi region following local regulations. (C) 2015-2021 Georgi Valkov, author of httpstorm Enjoy the storm!