Resource builder for httpstorm

Convert resource files to source code for integration in C++ applications


This tool helps application authors integrate resource files in the binary. When used with a directory, all files are included in a searchable catalogue, preserving the directory structure. A binary-search API is available to locate resources during runtime. Resources can also be referenced statically in the code. Possible use cases include a web server, where the entire web site is built into the binary. Or saving a resource to the filesystem with full path basted on the original resource path.

Command line options

g_resource_builder [-a] [-f] [-h] [-d dir]
-buse big endianess output: useful for cross-compiling when the host and target use different endianess
-dchange directory to dir
-fuse flat labels, without this the directory tree is preserved
-huse hierarchy structure, implies -f

Sample use

g_resource_builder -h src/g_resource_data.cpp -d res .  # UNIX
g_resource_builder -h src\g_resource_data.cpp -d res *  # Windows

List of ignored files

.DS_Store .aps .rc resource.h

g_resource class API

For each resource file, an instance of the g_resource class is created. The class is defined in lib/g_api/src/g_resource.h, and provides the following properties:

const wchar_t * const name_w;           // L"httpstorm.ini"
const char * const path_root_a;         // "/etc/httpstorm/httpstorm.ini"
const char * const path_a;              //  "etc/httpstorm/httpstorm.ini"
const char * const path_short_a;        //      "httpstorm/httpstorm.ini"
const char * const name_a;              //                "httpstorm.ini"
const TXT_ENCODING encoding;            // TXT_ENCODING_ANSI
const uint32_t size_data;               // 1275  size of the resource
const uint32_t size_text_a;             // 1275  size past the unicode marker (if any)
const uint32_t size_text_u;             // 637   size in char16_t characters
const char * const data;                // resource content

  const char     * const text_a;
  const char16_t * const text_u;        // + 0
};                                      // text content past the unicode marker (if any)

const char modified  [G_DATE_GMT_SIZE]; // "Mon, 21 Feb 2022 0:36:30 GMT"
const char modified_l[G_DATE_GMT_SIZE]; // "mon, 21 feb 2022 0:36:30 gmt"

The class is designed to provide access to all commonly used information directly.

name_wfile name as a string of wchar_t
name_afile name as a string of char
path_root_afull path
path_afull path excluding the leading / character
path_short_aalso ommits the root directory
typeHTTP content type defined in g_api/src/g_http_content_type.h
encodingcan be ANSI UTF8 UTF16LE or UTF16BE, defined in g_api/src/g_txt_encoding.h
size_datasize of the resource
size_text_asize past the unicode marker (if any)
size_text_usize in char16_t characters
dataresource content
text_atext content past the unicode marker (if any) as char *
text_utext content past the unicode marker (if any) as char16_t *
modifiedtime of last monitication
modified_ltime of last monitication in lower case

Referencing resources

Say we have three files inside res/etc/httpstorm. After generating resources in the res directory, the following namespace structure is generated:

namespace g_res
  namespace etc
    namespace httpstorm
      extern const g_resource httpstorm_ini;
      extern const g_resource httpstorm_iphone_ini;
      extern const g_resource httpstorm_openwrt_ini;

To access /etc/httpstorm/httpstorm_ini, use g_res::etc::httpstorm::httpstorm_ini in your code. The array with all resources is accessible as const g_resource * g_res::all[]. The array with all resources inside etc is accessible as const g_resource * g_res::etc::all[]. The following search against path_short_a can be performed to locate a resource in etc at runtime:

// returns a pointer to `g_res::etc::httpstorm::httpstorm_ini`
const g_resource * p_res = g_res::g_bin_search_path_short_a(
  g_res::etc::all,              // const g_resource * const * arr
  g_res::etc::all_length,       // size_t length    // length of arr
  "httpstorm/httpstorm.ini"     // const char * str // match against path_short_a

Before searching resources for the first time, the catalogue should be sorted by calling g_res::sort_all();.

Supported Platforms

☂︎ Apple iOS, macOS
☂︎ FreeBSD
☂︎ Linux, OpenWRT
☂︎ Windows

Prerequisites and build instructions

© 2019-2023 Georgi Valkov